Digital MarketingAudit

We aim high, no matter the starting digital position.

Know the digital market and where you position yourself.

The Digital Marketing Audit is a 360° analysis of a company’s digital activities or its brand, aimed at providing an overview of its online positioning.

Starting from the website and its organic positioning, we put all digital marketing activities under a magnifying glass to have a complete vision of their effectiveness and lay the foundations for evolutionary choices.

A tool in the hands of our customers.

When we approach a company, we always ask ourselves the same question: where is its digital presence in relation to the goals it sets?

We start with the company’s objectives to begin our audit: business objectives, marketing objectives, buyer personas, and the target audience to reach.

With the audit, we outline what the company implements for each area of analysis, following a checklist of elements to investigate to create a final output that outlines the project’s strengths and pain points.

Our analysis starts from these macro areas: 

  • Website
  • Organic positioning
  • Social channels
  • Digital Ads activities
  • E-mail marketing and marketing automation
Website and SEO positioning

We take a snapshot of the web project.

The Digital Marketing Audit starts with the analysis of the website to understand its functionality, efficiency, and effectiveness in relation to the project’s goals.

During the website analysis, we consider performance (speed and mobile optimization), usability with a UX and UI analysis, structure and content, and SEO positioning. We also focus on competitors, conducting a light benchmark audit to better understand the reference market.

The outcome of the analysis is a comprehensive view of the project’s strengths and weaknesses, aimed at understanding optimization margins and necessary interventions.

Social, Digital Ads, and Email Marketing

We build a clear (digital) picture of the brand presence.

In a mature digital market like the current one, the development of brand presence on multiple levels is essential. That’s why, with the Digital Marketing Audit, we delve into every aspect of a company’s digital presence, including social channels, digital advertising activities, and others that generate visibility around a brand.

What are the key aspects?

  • Social: platforms in use, contents, publication frequency and channel engagement.
  • Digital Ads: campaign structure, strategic and tactical choices, performance analysis.
  • Email Marketing and Marketing Automation: mechanisms and flows, visual analysis of newsletters and effectiveness.

In this case as well, we expand our view to include competitors and best-in-class actions for the reference industry.

Strategic consulting

We’ll tell you things you don’t want to hear and others you’ve never heard before.

Ecommerce managment

We draw the margins of your business to understand how to widen them.

We aim high, no matter the starting digital position.

After achieving digital maturity, let’s pursue excellence together.

Do you have an idea? Let’s bring it to life together!

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Do you want to know how
Digital Marketing Audit can help your business?

Discuss it with Giulia and Matteo!

Giulia CanceddaHead of Paid Media

Matteo DoveriAccount Executive

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