• Strategic consulting

We will tell you things you won't want to hear and others you've never heard before.

Consulting may seem like a monologue, but it is actually one of the most fruitful forms of dialogue.

Before speaking, a good consultant must know how to listen. And before providing the answers, it is essential to ask the right questions. We believe that only in this way can a relationship of mutual trust be born, which is the basis of every long-lasting and successful collaboration.

Consulting is done in two, but we are not one: we provide a team of professionals, each with their own vertical skills, so that each client has only one interlocutor to turn to. Through strategic marketing, conscious design and interpretation of the target market, we transform ideas into facts and potential into business.

Our consulting services

We’ll tell you things you don’t want to hear and others you’ve never heard before.

Ecommerce managment

We draw the margins of your business to understand how to widen them.

We aim high, no matter the starting digital position.

After achieving digital maturity, let’s pursue excellence together.

We always find an answer because we never have one regardless.

Each strategy is based on previous knowledge and experience, but is never a copy of the previous one. It would mean offering pre-packaged consultancy, never tailored to the company.

We are convinced that the best way to give answers is to convince yourself that you don't have one. Because only in this way are we obliged to always find new ones and, above all, useful ones for those who ask us to support them.

An ambitious digital strategy must be honest. There is no way to keep pace with such a fast-moving world other than predicting which direction it will move. And head there, making yourself ready, structured, aware at the best time.


Do you have an idea? Let’s bring it to life together!

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Ma sai anche come?

Discuss it with Giulia and Matteo!

Giulia CanceddaHead of Paid Media

Matteo DoveriAccount Executive

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