• Contacts

Are we aligned?
Well, let’s cross the path then..

sarai accolto dai nostro specialisti

If you see yourself in these points, we’ll go straight to the point.

  • Annual advertising budget starting from €30,000 (typical for vertical businesses and startups) up to a maximum of approximately €20,000,000 (intended for international media planning)
  • Direct access to decision-makers within the company
  • Ability to provide a project brief
  • Availability for meetings
  • A designated point of contact or project manager available for daily or weekly communication
  • All key presentations provided to decision-makers
  • Mutually defined business success metrics
  • Respect and Transparency


Let’s meet

Let’s meet

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    Come visit
    Piazza Curtatone, 7
    56025 Pontedera (Pisa) – ItalY
    Path on Google Maps


    Write to us or call us
    +39 0587 52343


    Come work with us
    Write to careers@htt.it
    or look at the open positions

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