Salvatori: digital opportunities in luxury design.


  • 2023 - in progress


  • Design & Luxury
immagine con prodotti Salvatori che rendono la propria casa unica

An icon of Made in Italy design in the world

Il brand

Salvatori is a globally recognized brand when it comes to design applied to natural stone. The brand has often associated its name with internationally renowned designers for the creation of home accessories that tend towards works of art.

Salvatori is a symbol of Made in Italy worldwide: from the extraction of natural stone to its processing and finishing, every single production phase proudly takes place in Italy, specifically in Pietrasanta, where the tradition of stonemasonry has been rooted in the city’s cultural fabric for centuries.

Boutiques in the world’s most exclusive design districts, participation in the most prestigious fairs, and collaborations with renowned architectural firms make Salvatori a reference point in luxury design with an unmistakable minimalist signature. This signature is the common thread that unites all the artistic collaborations developed during its nearly 80 years of activity.


Offer an online experience that reflects the brand’s allure

Penetrating the world of luxury is not an easy challenge for digital.
For this reason, our approach could not be aimed at the classic brand strategy but we developed a more complex customer journey.

The primary objective concerned the collection of qualitative contacts aimed at starting a commercial relationship. The secondary objective, however, was to increase direct sales of Salvatori objects.

The coexistence of these two objectives, one higher and long-term, and one more immediate and measurable, has allowed the project to grow in a prudent but constant way, without ever losing sight of the business path traced by our strategists and shared with the customer.


Guide the customer in digital promotion

Right away, we realized that to maximize results, it was first necessary to simplify the user’s journey on the Salvatori website. We started with a very detailed expert review.

For lead generation, we structured a strategic multi-platform advertising plan that followed the user throughout all stages of the messy middle, from the awareness phase to conversion. The second objective, increasing sales, was achieved through worldwide Google and Meta campaigns that focused on audience targeting and the selection of strategic keywords.

At this point, streamlining corporate communication as a whole through the management of social channels was the next step, allowing Salvatori to acquire a new audience by adopting a truly integrated communication approach across all channels.

After a few months of collaboration and the initial highlighted results, Salvatori decided to entrust us with the SEO analysis activity, including the identification of topics to be addressed in their online magazine.

Finally, we also took on the challenge of automation management, technically handling the email flow aimed at acquiring new customers.


Capture the public’s attention and make them fall in love with the brand.

The world of luxury, and especially that of furniture, goes through longer decision-making processes than other sectors. Digital activity, for its part, often bases its fortune on a sense of immediacy and rapid consumption of the online experience. From this perspective, it was not easy to combine luxury and digital design, since the impression was of traveling on two different timelines.

The story of a complex offer like that of Salvatori passes through a series of detailed activities which all laboriously lead back to the recognition of an exclusive brand with high artistic value.

Thanks to our services, Salvatori has achieved concrete results by increasing:

  • Sessions
  • New users
  • Engagement rate
  • Monthly views on Pinterest
  • Engagement rate on Instagram

You know where you want to go.
But do you also know how?
We see.

Discuss it with Elisabetta!

Elisabetta MonaciProject manager

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